Sometimes I can hear God clearly- other times I am wondering where He is. Recently I have felt like I am on hold- not sure what He wants me to do or where He wants me to go. Last night, I started reading 1 Corinthians and a verse just jumped off the page- it spoke about God's faithfulness. Then this morning, two specific verses spoke again of God's faithfulness. Ok- I'm listening....
So here are the words I felt God lay on my heart- hope they touch yours as well.
God is good- He is faithful- these things are true. Even when it is hard to see evidence of that, I need to hold on to this belief for dear life because the enemy wants me to believe otherwise. God's faithfulness will continue forever. He was faithful, He is faithful and He will be faithful- this is not something He chooses to be when He feels like it, it is part of His being- His character.
God's love endures forever- enduring love has no end, enduring love is strong and steadfast. It is the type of love that picks up you when you get knocked down- the type of love that never leaves you nor forsakes you. It is a love based on God and not us- we can't earn or lose this love. It is lavished on us by God through the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus.
God is good- life isn't always good, people aren't always good, circumstances can look bad but God is good. Every good and perfect gift comes from above. Some of our hardest times are when we see God's goodness shine the brightest- might not be when we are in the thick of it but if we step back and look, we see glimpses of God's good Hand leading us through the circumstances He has allowed.
1 Corinthians 1:9 says "God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus our Lord, is faithful". God has called us into a relationship with Jesus who is our Lord. God is faithful- whatever is happening in your life right now- remember that God is faithful.
Trust in Him with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding
Acknowledge Him in all your ways
and He will make your path straight.
(Proverbs 3:5-6)
God is able- God is faithful
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