Tuesday, October 2, 2012

RUNNING after the Romans 12 life

My church's Women's Bible Study Facebook page is participating in a daily devotion from YouVersion.com.  The devotion we are currently reading as a group is called "Soul Detox". 

Today's devotion was about the toxins in our life that affect our relationship with God.  We read Romans 12:1-21 which is an awesome passage- packed with lots of real life application for living a Spirit-filled life.

So I began thinking-  I want to live a Romans 12 life- really live it out in my day to day relationships.  So I came up with a list- a Romans 12 to-do list! 
  1. God's will and the world's will clash- they can not co-exist. (v.1-2)
  2. I need to ask myself daily- is "this thing" good for me, acceptable for me, and perfect for me?  If not, then it needs to go. BUT in the process of eliminating my own toxins, I can't think too highly of myself or judge others because God deals with each of us on an individual basis. (v.3)
  3. Use the spiritual gifts God has given me to serve Him and others. (v.4-8)
  4. Let my love be true- Hate evil- Cling to goodness. (v.9)
  5. Be devoted to others- be willing to yield to others.  (v.10)
  6. Enthusiastically serve the Lord. (v.11)
  7. Rejoice in hope, Persevere in trials, PRAY-PRAY-PRAY. (v.12)
  8. Practice hospitality- be willing to roll up my sleeves and help. (v.13)
  9. Bless those who are mean to me- actually pray that God will bless them. (v.14)
  10. Be happy with those who are happy and cry with those who need to cry. (v.15)
  11. Live peacefully with everyone- don't be too proud to hang out with all types of people. (v.16)
  12. NEVER pay back evil with more evil- period. (v.17)
  13. "Do all that I can to live in peace with everyone" (NLT) (v.18)
  14. Leave room for God to intervene- instead if my enemy is hungry, feed him- if my enemy is thirsty, give him a drink. (v.19-20)
  15. Don't let evil overcome me but overcome evil by doing good. (v.21)
My prayer is that this speaks to your heart and helps you to see the benefits of living a Romans 12 life.  Not a perfect life but one that is running after God's principles for your life.

So what about you?  How has scripture influenced your daily life?


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