Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Faith Builders

Have you ever been in the presence of a faith builder?  My definition of a faith builder is someone who shares their life with you in a way that builds your faith.  Each time a faith builder shares their experiences with you- another block of faith is built in your life.  These people usually have amazing stories of struggles and hardships but always seem to be able to point to God's grace and blessings.

This morning I had the pleasure to be in the presence of many faith builders- a group of multi-generational women of God who choose to come Wednesday mornings to Van Dyke Church for bible study.  Today we wrapped up our second year of bible study with a time of fellowship, food, communion and sharing.  I am blessed to organize women's bible study at our church which has been extremely rewarding.  Going into this morning's final session, I was unsure about all the logistics but was praying for God to show up BIG.  And He did!

The morning started with a service in the chapel that included a remembrance of the studies we completed.  We started the year with James by Beth Moore and finished up with The Amazing Collection: The Pentateuch.  Pastor Matthew joined us for communion which also was a time of remembrance of the price Jesus paid for us on the cross.  We concluded chapel time with a spontaneous singing of "Jesus Loves Me" lead by Pastor Matthew, hand motions and all.

After the chapel time, we headed upstairs for a time of fellowship & food.  A little before 11:00 am, I opened the floor for sharing- I had encouraged the women the weeks before to be praying about what God would have them to share to the entire group.  Going into the share time, I knew I had 3 women that were ready to share.  30 minutes later, over 10 women had openly shared their hearts with the entire group- there was not a dry eye in the room.  I knew God had gone before me- preparing the hearts of each women that had transparently shared their story of faith to a group of 50 women. This is not easy to do so I am so thankful for each woman who obediently stepped up to share what God had laid on their hearts. You were all faith builders today- building bricks of faith in each of our lives. 

When women from different generations and backgrounds can come together and encourage one another through prayer, service and fellowship, then the gospel is being lived out.  Today I got a glimpse to the kingdom of heaven (minus the sad tears & sorrows)- a place where self is put aside for the greater good and masks can be removed so that healing can begin. 


So today I salute faith builders:
  • Thank you for your stories- they have encouraged me to continue my own journey of faith.
  • Thank you for your transparency- thank you for being vulnerable and real.
  • Thank you for the privilege of praying for you.
Are you a faith builder?  Who can you encourage today with your stories of faith? 

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