Why run a marathon? Basically the average runner is running non-stop for 4+ hours. What makes anyone want to do that? I don't think I can logically answer this question- 13 years ago I wanted to do a marathon. Now with my 40th birthday on the horizon (next year), I desire to do it again.
Before running the Marine Corps Marathon, I participated in lots of races- 5Ks, 10Ks, 10 milers and one half marathon. Glenn and I ran a marathon as a relay team- each of us running 13.1 miles. So now I was ready to run a marathon.
I remember the morning of the marathon- it began like any other race. Multiple trips to the port-a-potty, eating a power bar (they didn't have gels back then) and saying farewell to our cheering section (my family). It was a cool morning so most of the runners had on long sleeved t-shirts that were quickly thrown to the side as the race began.
Glenn and I had trained together so we planned on running together. Three months before the marathon we ran every Saturday morning- we put in our long runs. You never actually run 26 miles during your training but you gradually increase mileage to about 22 or 23 miles. We loved Saturday nights because after running 20 miles you could basically eat & drink what you wanted.
So we ran the marathon together until about mile 18- Glenn was feeling great and I was doing ok. He wanted to pick up the pace so he left me behind :(. Just kidding, runners have an unwritten rule that you can leave your partner if you want to run faster (at least that is my rule). Glenn proceed to pick up the pace then basically "hit the wall" which means your body starts to break down. I have never experienced it but it sounds very unpleasant. Glenn finished the marathon- vowing never to do another- he came in a few minutes before I did.
Honestly I don't remember too much about my finish line experience. I am sure I was emotional, tired and ready for a beer. I guess I liked it enough to do another one a year later. More to come on that race...
There is something about a marathon that draws us to it. Or does the opposite, like in your husband's case. For me, it's accomplishing what I never thought I could. It's a metaphor for life.